Genresis is a term I created that stands for Genre Synthesis and Genre Genesis. Genresis I is the exposition that introduces the audio story to the listener and sets the scene for further plot development. The goal of this project is to synthesize traditional acoustic instruments with electronically generated sounds and to tell the story of music, spanning several genres. This story is underscored with a dynamic and responsive score that, when combined, creates a narrative connecting organic music and an AI generated voice. This juxtaposition is meant to highlight the evolution of music alongside human existence from the perspective of an AI analyzing music’s connection to the origin of humans. Incorporating different genres at different moments in time as well as explaining the history of musical progression demonstrates my unique compositional ability and my storytelling nature. I believe that this synthesis of technology and music history told through different musical genres works well as a medium to tell this story. The question answered is why does music exist, and this is the story of its progression alongside us. My aim is to synthesize acoustic recordings of different genres and merge with experimental and electronic music to deliver this story.

This story is narrated by an artificial voice with a script generated in part with the help of AI. For this three part story of Genresis I asked ChatGPT what music was to humans. I asked about the importance of music in our lives throughout time. Music is a common language we have been developing since the origin of humankind. Music can explain what it means to be human and that concept being discussed with an AI can illuminate how foreign and sterile the concept of music is- but the music composed for this project highlights the boundless expression that music is.

This composition begins with a choir performing Gregorian chant. Gregorian chant is a specific type of musical expression that is named after Pope Gregory the 1st (590 - 604 AD). I chose to begin with this as this is one of the most ancient forms of music recorded in western musical history. Metaphorically and conceptually we begin the story of music and how humans interact within this medium with the origin of western music. This part transitions into an orchestral swell and into a new electronic musical genre that talks about how humans use music recreationally. Just as western music progressed from church choirs, to orchestra chambers, and to the bedroom- humans take music with us everywhere we go.

The orchestral swell immediately after the chant is a sample of a recording produced by myself, performed by the Spring 2023 Illinois State University Wind Symphony for the original composition D.U.N.E. written by Noah Marney. This was recorded inside of Illinois State University’s Center of Performing Arts May 5th,2023.

It is in this electronic musical development that music is shown to go from a spiritual choir to secularistic synth pop choir. It is then enhanced with an electric guitar slide solo blending the story and the music together until an inorganic swell of digital 8-bit video game music merges together the development and origin of digital music, driving the progression of the story.

The unique ability of musical cultural expression is heard near the end of Genresis I, when the omniscient narrator highlights that the expression of different genres are representative of the different people that inhabit planet earth. We hear the eastern-asian influenced melody present itself as representation of this. Genresis I culminates with a dissonant eerie choir summarizing the elements presented in this story so far.

It concludes with the choir singing a chord that does not feel resolved. This is representative of the continually evolving story of music alongside human progress painted by the diverse and evolving human mind. 

Music is a form of artistic and creative expression. Composers, musicians, and performers use it as a means to express their thoughts, ideas, and unique perspectives on the world. Its universality across cultures and its enduring presence in human history highlight its significance in the human experience.

Music has been shown to stimulate cognitive functions in the brain- including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It is used in educational settings to enhance learning.Researchers suggest that music may have evolved as an adaptive trait. It could have played a role in mate selection, social bonding, and group cohesion among early humans.

Music is a form of entertainment that can provide enjoyment and relaxation. People listen to music for pleasure whether at concerts, parties, or simply while going about their daily lives.

Music has the power to bring people together. Singing, dancing, and playing music in a group can foster social bonds and a sense of community. It is often used in social gatherings, celebrations, and festivals.

Music is a form of entertainment that can provide enjoyment and relaxation. People listen to music for pleasure whether at concerts, parties, or simply while going about their daily lives.

Music has the power to bring people together. Singing, dancing, and playing music in a group can foster social bonds and a sense of community. It is often used in social gatherings, celebrations, and festivals.

Music is a fundamental and universal aspect of human culture that exists for a variety of reasons. While the exact origins of music remain a subject of debate among researchers- it is clear that music has played a significant role in human societies for thousands of years.

Music provides a powerful medium for expressing a wide range of emotions. Through melodies, rhythms, and lyrics individuals can convey joy, sadness, love anger and many other feelings. Music allows people to communicate and connect on an emotional level.

Before the advent of written language, music may have served as a form of communication among early humans. Drumming, vocalizations, and other musical elements could have been used to convey messages, signal events, or coordinate activities within a community.

Music therapy is used to improve mental and emotional well-being. It can help reduce stress, alleviate pain, and aid in the recovery process for individuals facing physical or psychological challenges.

Music is often deeply intertwined with cultural identity. Different cultures have their own unique musical traditions, instruments, and styles that help define who they are. Music plays a role in preserving and passing down cultural heritage from one generation to the next.

Music has been an integral part of religious and ceremonial rituals in many cultures. It can enhance the spiritual experience, create a sense of unity among participants, and mark important life events, such as weddings and funerals.

In essence, music exists because it serves a multitude of purposes ranging from emotional expression and cultural preservation, to entertainment and communication.

Released October 15, 2023
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